Technology Contracting Services

Quick Cat brings a multitude of experience in software delivery, with expert knowledge in scrum and agile methodologies and development of processes that drive continuous improvement and team achievement.

If you want to produce value and quality at speed, Quick Cat can build high-performing, self-managing agile teams, build relationships with stakeholders and collaborate to drive positive change in line with technology and business vision and strategy.


Agile Delivery Management

Digital Product implementations, Digital Transformations, in flight projects, end-to end projects, enhancements or support.

Strategy & Planning

Value driven strategy creation, aligning technology with business outcomes

Consulting and Business Analysis

Research and understanding of supporting structures around project requirements. Workshops, stakeholder management and a detailed set of information attributes to ensure full value and accuracy in the final product.

Operational Readiness

Ensuring the business is ready to receive new technology changes that last. Ensuring operations teams can manage new processes or systems. Ensuring change embeds successfully